Thomas Snow Sparrow
Ship Captain
“Mr Doan would like to go with me on the Sloop, but I have a full crew…” Thomas Snow Sparrow, San Francisco 1853
San Francisco
April 1st/1853
Dear Sister
Thinking you might prefer a few lines to none, have come to the conclusion to write enough to inforn you that I am still blessed with good health & a share of this world’s happiness. I have today seen Mr Micha Doane of Orleans (Joshua Doan’s brother) he has recently arrived in California, he tells me that Williams had given up coming out here, which I am very sorry to hear for I think Paulina seems willing for him to come, and I had made up my mind to have a letter with all the particlars by this mail, but am greatly disappointed. I hope he may do better by staying at home though I would give him such a start in business as no other Orleans boy has ever had on his first arrival here.
Mr Doan would like to go with me on the Sloop, but I have a full crew, Jesse P. Hopkins & Haskell Crosby are with me yet: Capt Aaron Young is now sick and has left me for a while, he is comfortable now and the Dr. thinks he will not be any worse, is in the Hospittle where he gets good nursing. I went with him to the Hospittle and was very particuler to tell the Steward that I wanted him to have the best of care, I think he will be out in about a week, He has been with me one trip to Sac City.
Mr Doan brings all the news about matters and things at home, tells me that Richard and Olive Green were married previous to his departure and about a young million of new matches were made among the young boys and girls in Orleans. I learn to that Mary S. Crosby is engaged, if so I think there will be a small show for me, ha! You say Sall, that aunt Lucy has a wife selected for me when I return, should like to know who it is, hope it will be a good one. I know not what to tell you about coming home, for I am obliged to get some man to take my place before I can leave and I know not who that man will be, Williams is just the man I want.
Tis now time for me to close. Remember my love to all dear folks at home and believe me as ever Your affectionate brother Thomas
P.S. Please to write often, I will write a long letter someday when I have more time.

Date: Thu Mar 14 2002
Name: Mary Lou Grunigen
Notes: Thomas Snow Sparrow was a ship captain born in MA, came to CA in
the 1850’s. He died off Whidby Is. WA when his ship was wrecked in a
storm about 1859.