Wass Letter 2

Charles Alfred Wass
ca 1892 – October 1, 1918
865750 52 Batt
Canadian Expeditionary Force

“Well say I am getting tired of being out here in France. I only wish I was back in Canada with you….” Charles Wass, France circa 1917

France 22 Aug

Well Norm just a few lines to let you know I am still alive and in the best of health and hope you are the same. Well say I am getting tired of being out here in France. I only wish I was back in Canada with you. Well how are you getting on with your crops and it must keep Eula busy helping you and doing the dishes as well. Tell her to never mind I will soon be back to help her and you too.

I am keeping my eyes open for that parcel that you are sending me. And please tell Walter Tansley to hurry up with that letter that he is sending me as I am watching for it every day when the mail man comes around.

Say Eula could you send me a writing paper as that is hard to get out here. And give my love to the kiddies also you folks till I return.

From Charlie
52 Canadian Batt

Charles Wass Collection
Wass, Charles letter 1 written from the battlefield in France to his friend Norman Cloes in Ontario ca 1917
Wass, Charles letter 2 written from the battlefield in France to his friend Norman Cloes in Ontario ca 1917
Wass, Charles letter 3 written from the battlefield in France to his friend Norman Cloes in Ontario July 14 ca 1917
Wass, Charles letter 4 written from hospital in England to his friend Norman Cloes in Ontario ca 1917
Wass, Charles letter 5 written to his friend Norman Cloes in Ontario 19 Sept. 1918