Brooks Letter 9

Private William Brooks
Co E, 161st NYVI

“I have to keep in the rere so I am out of danger but I bin whare the bullets flew but what of that I may have to go thare again but I am ready if it will end the war…” Private William Brooks 1864

[This page is with the letter dated 1864 April 26th, but is smaller than the other sheet. The second page of the other sheet is not filled and the writing on this sheet does not start at the top. This sheet is the same size as letters he wrote in August and September, 1863. It does provide a fine conclusion to Private Brooks’s writings.]

I have just had my dinner and I thought I would write A little more I have not mutch to write but while I am hear Alone and I feel lomesom when I have work to do I feel contented but now they are all gone and I [have] nothing to do but to think of home

oh if I could be home one day I would be willing to come back and stay one year more but I donot expect to get home untill I come for good we had the promis of a forlow this fall but I do not expect it but if I can heer from and lern that you are well I am A happey man

you must keep good curuge and not worrey About me for I never had better health than I have now I have to work hard but I do not stand gard or have to fight when we have to fight I have to keep in the rere so I am out of danger but I bin whare the bullets flew but what of that I may have to go thare again but I am ready if it will end the war

Read the rest of William Brooks’ letters: