Ross Letter 4

#814153 Pte. Donald Ross
187th Batt
1898 ~ 1918

“The doctor marked me fit again this morning but I am not on draft yet….” Donald Ross, England 30 Dec. 1917

Dec 30 1917

My Dear Mother

The doctor marked me fit again this morning but I am not on draft yet. I expect to be in a very few days however. I have enjoyed a pretty good holiday here so I shall just have to do as others have done. Go at it again. I don’t very much fancy the idea of going out there in this weather but somebody must go so why not me? Well mother there is little else I can say. Be sure and write often and I will do my best as I have always tried to do in writing.

Your loving son Donald Ross.

Letter 1 Jan. 1 1918 from France to his mother in Ontario
Letter 2 May 3, 1917 from Hospital to sister Katie
Letter 3 Aug. 1 1917 from hospital to his father
Letter 4 Dec. 30 1917 from hospital to his mother
Letter 5 March 1918 from his sweetheart (Alice Folke’s) home in England to his mother
Letter 6 March 15 1918 to his mother telling her he has volunteered for France
Letter 7 Sept 17 1918 Telegram to Hugh Ross (Donald’s father) reporting death of Donald Ross
Letter 8 Oct 23 1918 from his mother in Grafton Ontario to Soldier named Cormers asking about her son’s death
Letter 9 Oct 29 1918 from Eunice Folkes in Eng to Donald’s mother in Ontario
Letter 10 Oct. 29 1918 from Alice Folkes (Donald’s sweetheart) in England to Donald’s parents
Letter 11 Oct. 30 1918 from Marjorie Folkes in England to Donald’s mother in Ontario