
Robert C. McKellar, No. 487262 PPCLI (Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry)

“We have enough drama out here to satisfy all…” R. C. McKeller, France 6 Sept. 1916

September 6, 1916

Dear Miss Dorothy:-

Taking certain liberties and presuming much, I address you as an old friend, altho’ I regret to say I have never had the unquestionable pleasure of meeting you. My reason for writing is to compliment you on your excellent work in compiling the “News from Home” or “News Summary” which are perused with much gusto in this “Never to be forgotten” part of the world.

Basing my opinion on the several editions of yours which I have read, I must say that excellent judgement is used in the selection of articles.

Personally, and I think I express the general opinion when I say that articles most in demand are “General News from Home”, “Humurous sections and Cartoons.” “Sporting Pages and anything that portrays the bright side of life. We have enough drama out here to satisfy all.

Thanking you for the pleasure you have afforded me in my spare moments, I am.

Sincerely Yours,

487262, P. P. C. L.-I.,
No.1 Co’y., France
September 6, 1916