Slack Letter 3

Letter From Galveston, Texas 1846 From Arathusa’s Brother Robert N. Slack To Brother James B. Slack, Bardstown, Kentucky

“…I shall leave there tomorrow for Houston from whence I shall strike off for my brothers from there I do not know where I shall go.” Robert N. Slack, Galveston, Texas 1846

Dear Slack

After leaving New Orleans on Monday we pafied down the mepippe without any incident of interest taken place. On Tuesday morning about day break we entered the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday about 15 minutes after eight we have in sight of Galveston harbour to arrive in port about 12 oclock

. I am much pleased with the town, decidely better than I expected. I have formed great acquaintences among whom with Dr. Dickenson formerly of Virginia, who has been here for the last twelve months. I find him a very clever gentleman. he advises me to locate here & is of opinion that I would do well here.

I shall leave there tomorrow for Houston from whence I shall strike off for my brothers from there I do not know where I shall go. I wish you to write to me at Galveston where I shall be again within 3 or 4 weeks.

I wish I had more time to write. I am in a great hurry to conclude as the boat upon the beane leaves in about starting – my health is exceedingly good and I have enjoyed family indeed in fact I could not have had a more pleasant than I have had.

I remain your sincere friend and well wisher in a hurry.