Allen & Edith Rice to Mrs. George Weust
Postcard Stamped with 1 cent stamp, dated July 1917 Addressed to Mrs. Geo. Weust,West Valley, NY

Dear friend, We are very glad to hear that your health is improvig. Hope you will keep on getting better and that wheter you full recover or not you may have peace and happiness.
From Allen and Edith Rice
Postcard Stamped with two-1 cent stamps Addressed to Mrs. Geo. Weast, West Valley, Catt. Co. NY

Kennedy NY July 11-18 [1918] Dear Aunt and all. Just a card to let you know I thought of you but did not have card before. We are usually well hop your [sic] all the same. Suppose your all busy having same as we but we are alone to do ours. Ans. Soon. Lovingly Ella
Collection of Lorine McGinnis Schulze. Contact me if you are interested in purchasing this postcard. It is card MORNING GLORIES. Front of card is flowers with verse “Morning glories bright and fair, Rainbow tints and colors rare; Each petal is a thought for you, Each tiny bud a prayer”. This is an Early Century postcard from the Golden Age of postcards (1898-1918)