Letter to Mr. Alex. R. Pinkerton, McConnelsville, Morgan County, Ohio, from his son, D. C. Pinkerton, Zanesville, Ohio, August 20, 1834
… You heretofore commenced your letters with the endearing appelation “Dr Son” but cannot do it any longer. the reasons for which you did not give in your last letter. D. C. Pinkerton, Zanesville, Ohio, August 20, 1834
Zanesville Aug. 20.th 1834.
Dr Father
I received your letter of the 5.th ult. but shall not answer it in the manner which it ought to be.. fo[r] that would be returning Evil for Evil. But I always like to return Good for Evil. You heretofore commenced your letters with the endearing appelation “Dr Son” but cannot do it any longer. the reasons for which you did not give in your last letter. From the tennor & cou[r]se of your letter the only reasons I can conceive you can give is that I have become a beleiver in the final happiness & holiness of all man kind – Perhaps you have other reasons, – If you have, I wish you to make them known in your next letter. Never did I expect such language as the following from your pen “A Semi Infidel.” What! Call your son an Infidel? Consider what thou sayest! Let not thy prejudice over come thee. Nothing but Prejudice, Calvanistic Heathanish Prejudice. moved you to pen such an infamous article (for I know no other name for it). You say I am still your son (happy intelligence) but not so much so as I formerly was. I am now dear to you, in the same sense of the word – some Store keepers goods are which are worth nothing – but, to be thrown out – & trodden under foot of men. I should like to know when you come to that conclusion – Can you date the period? – or were you always so. . I wrote you in a mild and pleasing manner in my last, to this affect – “That my mind had been reformed on the subject of religion.” And I say so yet..notwithstanding the impolite manner in which you answered my letter – You say perhaps (it is well you thought of that word) I ought of wrote it Deformed. . This is another evidence of your strong Prejudice to the truth as it is in Christ. When I once become a beleiver in Hell fire, or Endless torments then I will agree with you & say my mind has been Deformed, and not till then. But just to fill this page let me mention this one fact. If you cannot hereafter as you heretofore done. Address me with the title “Dear Son”. I wish the correspondence between you and myself to come to an end.. But not between myself and the family —
“Can it be possible – where did you imbibe the Poison – surely not in Zanesville. – where then it must be by your Detestable correspondence with C F A”. This part of your letter I have just quoted I shall now notice. “Can it be possible.” I suppose you mean by that cant it be that I am a Universalist – I answer in the Affirmative – I have though[t] & meditated on this subject for some time – and have come to the conclusion that the Lord will not cast off forever – That creation was a deliberate and voluntary act on the part of the Deity. he well knew what the result would be – & if he knew, that a part of mankind, would be eter[n]ally miserable he created them for that purpose.. Listen what the Bible says “ God will have all men to be saved & come to the knowledge of the truth”. “As in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” How many died in Adam? all. How many shall be made alive in Christ? all”. St Paul says if any man be in Christ he is a new cre[a]ture. The scripture abound with evidences that God will finally gather to himself, all nations on the earth for as he promised to Abraham.. “In thee and thy seed, shall all the nations of the earth be blessed” Not on certain conditions . . there is nothing said about conditions – I would inform you that the correspondence between myself and C. F. A. has been very small and that the subject of Universalism was never mentioned. . except in his last letter of the same date of yours (5. Aug). And that he has always usued me as a friend. . And I hope that I have usued him some As to calling him a Spring of the Albany Regency & a Van Buren stamp etc . . such epithets as these have nothing to do with the question at point. . And was he not a Universalist perhaps they would never of been mentioned, but I consider From whence they came. . I have not forgot all I ever knew but have learent more. And hope that I may increase in knowledge as I increase in years. No. nor I am not half so wise a[s] Solomon who never forgot what his mother taught him even in the midst of his property [prosperity?]. How do you [know] that I have forgot what my Mother taught me. You do not know it yet, and I hope never shall so long as what she taught me agrees with the Bible. O! Lord open thou our eyes –
You request me to read the book of Proverbs. Listen what Solomon sayeth. “The righteous shall be reccompensed in the earth much more the wicked and the sinner”. This you may find in the Book of Proverbs. I should like to know, how you know, that Is in my concience must detest Universalism. Will you let me know in your next letter – You will much oblige me by doing so – . As almost evry denomination nowadays has a creed I will now give you my creed which is call[ed] the Bible Creed – 1st. I believe that God will render to evry man according to his deeds. Romans 2-6 – consequently I reject the doctrine of vicarious atonement. 2d. I beleive that the righteous shall be reccompensed in the earth, much more the wicked and the sinner. Prov – 11-31 – consequently I believe the Bible furnishes no evidence of a punishment beyond this life. 3d. I believe that God will reconcile all things to himself that God may be all in all. Col. 1.20. 1 Cor 15-28. And this salvation I beleive to be the gift of God. . and not of works lest any man should boast. Ephes 2–8-9. . This is my Creed — I shall now bring my letter to a close. I am in very good health – Give my love to all the family. I shall be happy to hear from you when you think convenient.
Your Affectionate Son
D. C. Pinkerton.

Submitter: Phillip F. Schlee E- mail: schlee@ksu.edu
Notes: Letter to Mr. Alex. R. Pinkerton, McConnelsville, Morgan County, Ohio, from his son, D. C. Pinkerton, Zanesville, Ohio, August 20, 1834; from the Phillip F. Schlee Collection.