George W. Pease
Co. H
75th New York
“I think they is a good many of us that will never have the pleasure of seeing home again for I think they is a going to be a good many of us that will get killed before the war ends…” George W. Pease, Camp Arnold, Pensacola, Florida, 18 Aug. 1863
Camp Arnold—August 18, 1863
Friend Francis–
I once more sit down to answer your kind letter that I received from you the 17th and I was glad to hear from you and to hear you was well for health is one of the greatest blessings of life. I was sorrow [sic] to hear that Nett does not enjoy very good health for Nett is too good a girl to be sick. I think such girls as you and Nett are ought to enjoy the best kind of health, for you are always full of un and them is the kind of girls for me. For I like to see girls that is full of fun now.
Frank, I want you to remember that engagement we made that night we went to eat maple Shugar up to Mr. Richardson’s. But we didn’t eat much, I believe, did we? Frank, I begin to think that this damed war hain’t a going to last long after we get all the men in the filed that is called for now. For they [sic] will be enough of them to march right through and make a clean sweep of the thing and for my part, I hope they will, for I have been a soldier almost long enough to satisfy me. For our living is too hearty for us. I think if we have to stay in the service three years, we will all have to get a new set of teeth, for the dirt that we get in our rations will wear one set of teeth out in three years. I think when we get home, we all can do justice to a good hearty meal. But thinking about coming home is another thing.
I think they is a good many of us that will never have the pleasure of seeing home again for I think they is a going to be a good many of us that will get killed before the war ends and I may be one that is numbered with the dead and if it happens to be my lot to get shot, I will die in a good cause.
Now as far as the news, they hain’t any to write. When you see Nett, please give her my love and tell her I would like to hear from her, for it does me a good deal of good to hear from my Old School mates for it is very lonesome to be so far away from them.
So no more this time. Write soon.
Direct your letter to Pensacola, Florida, in care of Capt. John Choate, Co. H, 75 Regt. NYSV. George W. Pease
Read the Pease biography and letters: 10 July 1862 | 17 Dec 1862 | 30 Jan 1863 | 18 Aug. 1863