George W. Pease
Co. H
75th New York
“Remember me when this you see, wrote by my hand, and it will stand when I am dead and gone…” George W. Pease, Florida 10 July 1862

Camp Arnold~Pensacola Florida–July 10, 1862
Submitter Sherri Cawley
Dear Friend:
I now take my pen in hand to write you a few lines to let you know how I get along. I am well at present and I hope these few lines will find you enjoying the same good blessings of life. You may think [it] strange to get a letter from me–but this afternoon, I got a thinking about you and I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know that I am in the land of the living yet, but I can’t tell how long I may be living down here among the Rebels.
I haven’t heard anything from you since I saw you in Auburn–till Aunt Rhoda wrote to me and she said you was a living in Sawyers yet and she said you was just as merry as ever now. When you write to me, I want you to write all the news they [sic] is a round there to write–that is if you think it worth while to answer this scribbling, I want you to write how Dan and Charles get along this summer and tell them that they must write to me, and then I will write to them. I want you to wirte and let me know how well Butler gets along this Summer and write and let me know how you enjoyed the fourth of July. And when you see Rhoda Tinker, you may give my love to her and so you may to Nett Butler and kep a good lot for yourself now when you get this this letter.
I want you to read what you can and guess the rest. You must excuse bad writing and spelling for i wrote this in a hurry.
So no more this time and if I get an answer from this the next time I write to you, I wll write a good long one….Mr. George W. Pease. Whe you write to me, Direct your letter to Pensacola Florida in care of Capt. John Choate, Co. H, 75th Regt., NYS Volunteers. Remember me when this you see, wrote by my hand, and it will stand when I am dead and gone.
George W. Pease
Read the Pease biography and letters: 10 July 1862 | 17 Dec 1862 | 30 Jan 1863 | 18 Aug. 1863