Colonel John E. Parsons
187th Pennsylvania Infantry
“I have not rec’d the letter which you refer to..” John E. Parsons Sept 13, 1880
Toledo, Ohio
September 13, 1880
H. Perry Esq.
Your P.O. card of the 11th instant addressed to me at Hbg. Pal., enquiring whether I had received your letter of Aug. 1st was forwarded to me here this morning. I have not rec’d the letter which you refer to. You can address me here should you wish to do so.
Yours Truly….J. E. Parsons

Submitter: Sherri Cawley Notes:
Colonel John E. Parsons was commissioned into Field and Staff of the 187th Penn. Infantry on August 30, 1862. Parsons is listed as one of the commanders of the 187th Pennsylvania Regiment. He remained with the 187th PA until it was mustered out on August 3, 1865.
During the funeral of President Lincoln this Regiment led the procession from the railway station to Independence Hall and guarded the remains while they lay in state. Together with the 1st City Troop it was then detailed to escort the remains back to the railroad.