Capt. Co “H”, 16th R.W.V
“Leander Roberts, a private in my Company was wounded at the Battle of Shiloh” .A.D.Gray, Capt. Co “H”, 16th R.W.V. July 24th 1862
To Col. Benj. Allen,
16th Regt. Wis. Vol.,
Camp near Corinth, Miss.,
July 24th 1862.
Leander Roberts, a private in my Company who was wounded at the Battle of Shiloh and sent home on furlough stated that when he recovered sufficiently from the affect of his wound, he reported himself at Madison, Wis and asked of the proper officer tansportation to his Regt.
He was directed to report himself to the post surgeon, which he did. The Surgeon told him that he would send him home, but he refused, saying he wanted to join his Regt. He was kept at Madison several days and finally was permitted to join his Regiment. He was told by other soldiers that for money soldiers could get discharged. He arrived here about the 20th Just and went out with the Regt on picket the next day, apparently well and remains well.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt,
A.D.Gray, Capt. Co “H”, 16th R.W.V.

Notes: Capt. Gray was my great-grandfather. Colonel Allen, his father-in-law, was my great-great-grandfather.Leander Roberts went on to serve honorably with the 16th Wisconsin through the remainder of the Civil War, including the Battle of Atlanta, Sherman’s March to the Sea, and ending with the Grand Review in Washinton, D.C. Submitted by Allen B. Gray