Letter from Michael Davis St. Louis Missouri to Michael & Mary-Ann Davis, County Carlow, Ireland. 1882
St. Louis MO June 15th 1882
Dear Cousins
Joseph and Michael write to you after a long absence hoping to find you and all friends well as we are all at present thank God. Give my best regards to Patrick and John Doyle. I would often have wrote to you but I was not certain what was the right direction for the post office. When I get an answer I will write often. Give my love to Mrs HAatch and fmaily and to Bridget and Ellen and to all friends. I suppose you heard of Joseph and Mary HIggins death. Brother Will and Sister Margaret and family are all well.
My wife and children all join in love to you. I have 4 boys and 3 girls. The boys are named; the eldest Martin, next James, Arthur and Joseph. The girls names are Mary, Margaret and Annie. My 2 oldest boys have got two teams of mules cost $1000. They make $8 a day, feed and provisions are high. My daughters are dressmakers and do very well too. They are all thanks be to God good children. John Phelan died worth $160.000 dollars. He left all to his wife. He was only 2 or 3 years married and had no children. Please let me know how all friends are getting on and write as soon as you get this letter. Next time I will write a longer letter.
I have seen a great many deaths since I came to America. Young and strong, men and women taken away in a few days and sometimes in a few hours. Those last few years a great many of our old acquanitances have gone to rest.
I remain your ever-loving cousin Michael Davis
Direct your letter to
Michael Davis
3506 North Ninth Street
St. Louis. MO
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Notes: This was a letter sent to my great grandparents, Michael and Mary-Ann Davis in County Carlow, Ireland. Any information would be of help. I came to St. Louis last year and where the house was now stands a redunant drive-thru bank. As my mother will be 90 this year, I would love to come up with some information. Submitter: Jean Casey originally from Kilkenny,Ireland now living in South Wales.