Lester Case
Company D
121st Ohio Infantry
“They was a good maney of the Rebels but our men whiped them like the Devil…” Lester Case, Franklin Tennessee 16 May 1863
Camp Near Franklin Tenn
May the 16 1863
Dear Brother and Sister
I once more sit down with pen in hand to write a few lines to you to let you know that I am well at this present time. hoping when these few lines reach you they will find you all the same. I received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you. Was well you said that Kate had gone home. I haven’t had a letter from home for some time. I don’t know what is the reason they don’t write.It is nice weather down here. Now it is most to nice weather for me for it is to hot.
You said you heard that there was a fight down hear and our men got whiped . They hasn’t been aney fight hear very lately. They was a littel fight down hear a bout a month ago or a littel over a month they wasent but one regiment of infantry engaged in the fight and that was the 40 Ohio and the Cavalry that is hear was in the fight to. they was a good maney of the Rebels but our men whiped them like the Devil. the loss on the Rebels side in all kild wounded and prisners was about three hundred and the loss on our side in all was a bout one hundred but our Cavalry has a skirmish with them a bout every day or so. Our Cavalry went out one night and in the morning they fetched in one hundred and fifteen prisners and they dident have aney fight either. they went in their camp and took them. the Rebels was in bed and night fore last our men fetched in a lot of prisners. you wanted to know if I thought they would be aney fight clost hear.I think they will be a fight hear some time but I dont know how soon but the Rebels cant take this place for we are strong fortified. they are a fort hear and it has got six big guns in it about and they talk of gittin some more. they is one that will shoot six miles.
I havent had a letter from Walter for a long time. I have rote three to him and I havent received aney answer to aney of them. Walter is onley twelve miles from hear. I was on a big hill and I could see within three miles from where he is. I can see nine miles.
We have the best kind of times down hear. Now I cant send you my likeness now but when we are paid again I will send it to you if I am where I can git it taken. I would like to see you firstrate but I expect I wont git a chance to till this war is over. excuse me for this time.
Write as soon as you git this.
So goodbye from Lester Case to Sarah L. Davis.
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Submitter Sherri Cawley
This Civil War letter was written from the field by soldier Lester Case to his sister Sarah (Charles and Sarah Davis of Aurora, Portage County, Ohio)
Brian Brown author of In the Footsteps of the Blue and Gray: A Civil War Research Handbook kindly sends the following information:
Lester Case was in Company D, 121st Ohio Infantry. He was 18 when he enlisted in August, 1862, and he served until June 1865. He was promoted corporal during his term of service.