Sergeant Neil A. Baker
Company F, 50th North Carolina
“We have good news! In today’s paper, our little Navy pitched into the blockading vessels at Charleston, South Carolina and cleared the Ranch—raised or opened the blockade without any loss on our side” Sergeant Neil A. Baker, Goldsboro, North Carolina February 1863
Camp Near Goldsboro, North Carolina—February 1863
Dear Jane—
Having a good opportunity of sending you a few lines by N. T. Watson, I embrace it. This leaves me in my usual health, hop[ing] this will reach you and the babies enjoying the same blessing. Mr. Watson goes home on furlough for 14 days also Jack Thomas and Sgt. John Godfrey. Again I am acting Quartermaster Sgt. Vice [for] Wm J. Kelley [who has] gone home upon furlough for 14 days.
Again, I am acting Quartermaster Sergeant,“Vice”. William J. Kelley
gone home upon furlough for 14 days. John B. McFarland got an indefinite detail (for not stated time) to work in Goldsboro upon Guns for Government and I am pretty certain that he will get a furlough too, to go after his tools. One man for every twenty-five gets furloughs, but you see, Sgt. Kelly or J. B. McFarland furloughs has nothing to do with the furloughs of those of the Company.
We have a good many visitors, Rob, David Thomas and wives and mother. Absolum Kelly and Getty Cox came today. John Buchanan and daughter and Jasper Thomas’s wife came last evening and some others that came before.
We have good news! In today’s paper, our little Navy pitched into the blockading vessels at Charleston, South Carolina and cleared the Ranch—raised or opened the blockade without any loss on our side. I still have very flattering hopes that we will soon have peace again in our land. I have a very strong opinion that in a few days, the number of furloughs will be increased for because if they are not, you see one for every 25 men, it would take nearly or quite all the year for all to get home at that rate. If there is no threatening movement of the enemy soon, I am confident that the number will be increased. I want to go in this or the first of next month if possible.
Nothing more worth your attention.
…Yours truly, Neill A. Baker
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Submitter: Sherri Cawley. The letter is addressed to Mrs. Sarah J. Baker of Chatham County, North Carolina. There is an additional notation on the envelope which states, Favor of N. R. Bryan care A.A. Harrington.
Neil Baker mustered into Company “F”, 50th North Carolina on May 27, 1862. Sergeant Baker was the only one of his Regiment wounded on December 9, 1864 during the siege of Savannah, Georgia. Poor Baker only lived a few short days. He died of his wounds on December 16, 1864. Baker also had service in “G” Co., 17th Mississippi Infantry. He was promoted to Sgt. On or about January 15, 1863.