Thomas Sweeney No. 401307, 12th Plat., C Coy., 58th Batt., C. E. F.
“If God spares me to get back I will be able to explain more clearly how it happened…” Tom Sweeney, France 1916
My Dear Wife and Children:-
In answer to your kind and welcome letter, I was very pleased to hear you are all in good health as this my loving letter leaves me at present. I am very sorry to tell you that Fred Render is killed. You might tell Mrs. Render that I was beside him when he met with his death. He died happy, and his last words were “Tom write home.” If God spares me to get back I will be able to explain more clearly how it happened. I suppose, by the time my letter arrives, Mrs. Render will know all, but he asked me to write and I promised him I would, as I thought it my duty to do so. But you must cheer up, for better times are coming I hope.
I am very pleased to hear you have a good garden, also that the—–are good to you, tell them for me that I thank them very much. I was pleased to hear Bill Eyles received my letter. I like the snaps very much. It is a comfort to look at you all, and I think you are looking fine. Excuse my short letter, as I have not the time to talk much now. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am dear wife your
Loving Husband,
P. S. I hope you received the presents alright. Goodbye and God bless you all. Always address my letters this way.
No. 401307
Pte. T. Sweeney,
No. 12 Platoon, “C” Coy
58th Battalion, C. E. F., France
Sweeney Collection Letter 1 1916 | Letter 2 16 July 1916

St. Mary’s Journal Argus 1916
The following letter from Pte. Thos. Sweeney in the trenches tells of the death of Pte. Fred Render on the battlefield. He writes his wife Mrs. Sweeney of Church St. south, St. Marys.
Lorine’s Note: Thomas Sweeney’s attestation papers are found online on the CEF database. He was born 19 Feb. 1879 in London England. His wife was Elizabeth and he was living in St Marys Ontario at the time of his enlistment in the CEF on 4 Aug. 1915
Frederick Render was the son of Harry and Elida Render and husband of Hannah Render, of 155 Nile St., Stratford, Ontario. Frederick was killed July 9, 1916 at the age of 39 and is buried in Belgium