James Cecil Sandercock
4th Canadian Mounted Rifles
Canadian Expeditionary Force
“Well there has been some pretty hard fighting over here in some places…” Cecil Sandercock, France May 28, 1918

Somewhere in France May 28th 1918
To my dear sister
Just a few lines hope it will find you all well. How is youre boys getting along.
I would give enything to see them. It is a long time since i got a letter from you.
Well there has been some pretty hard fighting over here in some places. Earl Mc Master
is back to the Batt he left in September so i think he has had a good time. We came over
to gether and i am still hear. Well i guess i will close for this time.
good by xxxxxxxxxxxx
Write soon

Note from Submitter Brian Massey: The letter above is from a postcard sent by James Cecil Sandercock to his Sister Myrtle (my great-grandmother)one day beforw his 20th birthday. He was killed in action three months later on August 28th 1918. His friend Earl McMaster was gassed August 25th 1918 and died September 10.
25 Aug. 1917 in Belgium. Letter to his parents in St Marys Ontario about his brother’s death
28 May 1918 in France. Letter to his sister in St Marys Ontario 3 months before he was killed