The Peer Family from New Jersey to Ontario
My PEER lines came from New Jersey to Ontario in 1796. Jacob Pier, the immigrant ancestor to Ont ario, has his name recorded as PEER, PEAR, PIERin the records. The earliest record found for Jacob is in Newton New Jersey in 1773, showing he was a known British sympathizer as reported by the Pettit family, also sympathizers.
Levi Peer
Nelson Twp. Halton Co.
Upper Canada 1839
“..and there has been a good many hung on account of it and some shot down in cold blood through the means of it…” Levi Peer, Nelson, Upper Canada 5 Aug. 1839
Following are extracts of a lengthy letter from Levi Peer to his mother

August 5th 1839
Dear Mother,
I take this opportunity of addressing you after not having receiving any letter from any of you from the last two years…..
I wish you to let me know how the times are with you at present or if there is appearance of trouble as we have had very serious [?] this last two winters and has been butchering [?] others off at a horrid rate and there has been a good many hung on account of it and some shot down in cold blood through the means of it. The militia was all called out on duty and some had to stand a months duty out before they got home some got home in two or three days.
No more at present but we remain
Your affectionate son and daughter
Levi and Jane Peer
V 1 Jacob Peer Sr V 2 Levi Peer V 3 Edward Peer V 4 Philip Peer V 5 Stephen Peer V 6 Jacob Peer Jr
Note for Volumes 2-6 you also need to purchase V. 1 Jacob & Anne Peer available at Amazon.comor
The Peer Family in North America: V.1 Jacob & Anne Peer, Immigrants from New Jersey to Upper Canada in 1796. Revised Edition Available at Amazon.comor | The Peer Family in North America: V.2 Levi Peer & Elizabeth Marical and their Descendants to 3 Generations Available at or Amazon.comor | The Peer Family in North America: V.3 Edward Peer & His Two Wives and their Descendants to 3 Generations Available at Amazon.comor |
The Peer Family in North America: V.4 Philip Peer & his two Wives Ester Dunn and Susan Griniaus and their Descendants to 3 Generations Available at orAmazon.comor | The Peer Family in North America: V. 5 Stephen Peer & His Wife Lydia Skinner and their Descendants to 3 Generations Available on Amazon.comor | The Peer Family in North America: V6 Jacob Peer Jr. and his wife Lucy Powers and their Descendants to 2 Generations 152 pages, full colorAvailable on Amazon.comor |
Jacob’s son Levi PEER Sr was born ca 1770-1780 and married Elizabeth Marical/Markle pre 1807, either in New Jersey, New York, or Ontario. They settled in Ontario and lived near Ancaster until 1816 when Levi sold all his land and moved to Ripley NY. From there he moved to Northeast Tp. Erie Co. PA ca 1822 and lived there until 1831. He and his wife and all their children except one, Levi Jr., went to Shawneetown Illinois and their descendants still live in IL at the present time. My direct ancestor, Levi PEER Jr., came back to Ontario in 1831 and settled in Kilbride, Ontario where his descendants may be found today.