McGiveron Letter 2

Thomas Benjamin (Ben) McGiveron
No. 727509
4th Pioneer Battalion

“There is some talk about transferring to go to East Africa. What do you say if I go?..” Ben McGiveron, England 26 Sept. 1916

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September 26, 1916

Dear Wife:-

Just a few lines to let you know that I am well, hoping this finds you the same. We landed safely in England and had a good voyage. It was some trip. We left Digby at night and got to Halifax in the morning, and then marched to the boat and when we got off the boat in Liverpool we went to the train again. Then after an all night’s trip on the train we marched to the camp about three miles away. The boys are all well, they are enjoying themselves great.

Tell Mr. Eedy to send my paper to me and give him my address. I can’t say much to you now. This is my first letter to you from England. I hope you don’t feel badly. I could not get home again to see you but will remember you. There is some talk about transferring to go to East Africa. What do you say if I go?

My chum Joe Cain is also with us in the cook-house. Remember me to Amos Pickard and tell Mr. Eedy you got a letter from me and I had a good voyage. From

Your loving husband,

No. 727509
B. Company, 4th Can. Pioneers,
Witley Camp, Godalming.
Surrey, England
September 26, 1916

Read more McGiveron letters: 2 Aug 1916 | 26 Sept. 1916