Handwritten letters from A.J. Long to Miss W. Buckley 1917

Somewhere in France December 23, 1917 To the Patriotic League Cheapside Ontario Canada Dear Miss Buckley Just a few lines to let you know that I received the parcel OK. Thank you and the League very much for your kind Xmas remembrance which was very nice and come in very acceptable. For me everyting was just fine. We are having some very cold weather here at present and more snow on the ground than usual although it is much better than the mud would be. I would have written you sooner but we were on the move back for a rest and of course was too busy. we are spending xmas and new years in a small village back from the front lines as we spent 2 xmases in the trenches. Was in hope the war would have been over before this but will look forward to see the finish soon. Well Iguess I will close by thanking you and the League again. Also wishing you and the League a merry xmas and happy new year. I remain, A.J. Long, Somewhere in France